

MISKO Thick Noodles
250 g MISKO Thick Noodles
2 onions, finely chopped
500 g grated tomatoes
1 tsp. sugar
1200 ml water
olive oil
freshly ground pepper

In a saucepan heat 6 tbsp. olive oil and sauté the onions over medium heat for about 7-8 minutes until they are caramelized. Stir frequently.
Add the tomatoes, sugar, salt and freshly ground pepper and sauté for 1-2 minutes with the onions.
Pour in the water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 6-7 minutes, without the lid.
Add the MISKO Thick Noodles, crushed, stir with a spoon and let the pasta boil for as long as indicated on the package.
Serve the soup hot, sprinkled with freshly ground pepper.