MISKO was founded in 1927 by the Michaelides and the Konstantinis family. Since the first pasta was produced in the families’ workshop in Piraeus, until today, MISKO has been producing delicious, nutritious pasta allowing all of us to offer the best to our family.


The Mantzika, the Papanastasiou, the Papachrysanthou and the Theodorakis family become the new owners of the company. That year, the production of MISKO pasta is transferred to Patras, in new, state-of-the-art facilities, and thus the company becomes the first to package its spaghetti. At the same time, “Akakios”, the company’s trademark and perhaps the most well-known slogan in Greek advertising, is born.

MISKO becomes a member of the Barilla family, the world’s largest pasta company, which gives MISKO the opportunity to expand globally, as part of a strong international group.

A new state-of-the-art, high-capacity plant is established in Eleonas, Thiva, which makes Greece a production center for international markets. This is an investment of 30 million euros, the biggest one ever made in the pasta market in Southeastern Europe.

MISKO enters the ready-made sauce market for the first time. It also creates “Flavors of Greece”, a unique pasta line inspired by traditional pasta shapes from various regions of Greece.

Responding to modern nutritional trends, MISKO enriches its existing lines, launching the Whole Wheat pasta series.
MISKO presents its “Golden Line”, the only Greek pasta made from single-variety wheat, with an exceptional taste, a golden yellow color and a high percentage of proteins, making it the ideal choice for both simple and demanding recipes.
A contributor to innovation and development, MISKO launches the Greek Wheat Program, aiming to develop and create sustainable production of high-quality durum wheat in Greece, as well as to create added value for the producer, the environment and society.
Every MISKO pasta package
contains all the quality, innovation and history of MISKO, which evolves along with the history of the Greek family.
This was and remains to date the vision of MISKO.