Mediterranean diet – The traditional Greek diet

Diatrofiki pyramida

The term “Mediterranean diet” is based on the eating habits and traditions of Crete and Southern Italy in the 1960s. This nutritional model has made Greece famous, leading scientists from all over the world to turn their attention to the “phenomenon of Crete”, thanks to the longevity of the population of Crete as well as Mediterranean people in general. The implementation of the Mediterranean Diet can provide all the nutrients that the human body needs, promoting health and well-being.

Basic Principles of the Mediterranean Diet
The Greek – Mediterranean Diet is full of nutrients and meets the nutritional needs of people of all ages. The basic principle of the Greek – Mediterranean Diet is: Balance – Measure – Variety.

Traditional Mediterranean Diet can be described as featuring the following:

  • Plenty of fiber (fruit, vegetables, bread/cereal, pasta, potatoes, pulses, nuts).
  • Minimum consumption of processed products.
  • Low-fat dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt) (2 servings daily).
  • Fish and poultry in small to moderate quantities (twice a week).
  • Red meat in small quantities (consumption once a month).
  • Olive oil as the main source of fatty acids containing poly-unsaturated fatty acids (2 tbsp. per day).

The implementation of the Mediterranean Diet, in conjunction with the following dietary guidelines, can provide all the nutrients that the human body needs, promotes health and well-being and helps to maintain a normal body weight.

Do not forget to:

  • Consume at least 2 liters of water daily (water, juices, tea, milk, etc.).
  • Consume daily 5-7 servings of seasonal fruit and vegetables.
  • Start your day with breakfast. After a night’s sleep, it provides your body with the necessary energy for a good start to the day, preventing you from nibbling later.
  • Eat 2-3 portions of low-fat dairy products daily to ensure the necessary intake of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Limit the consumption of alcoholic drinks. Prefer wine.
  • Prefer the consumption of olive oil to animal fats (butter). Olive oil supplies the body with essential fatty acids as well as antioxidant anti-aging vitamins! Add it to your food towards the end of cooking and always in moderation.
  • Avoid eating fatty foods (chips, pizzas, fast food, fatty meats).
  • Prefer lean meats and always remove the visible fat.
  • When you consume something particularly fatty, try to combine it with a large quantity of green salad or herbs.
  • Eat small and frequent meals every three hours.
  • Try to engage in physical activity for 30 minutes every day.
  • Foods with minimal calorie value that you can safely consume are: cucumber, anise, cloves, spearmint, cinnamon, curry, capers, lemon, cabbage, lettuce, mustard, parsley, vinegar, pickles, garden rocket, spinach, garlic, sage/chamomile, etc.